Meetings and Fellowships with the students

Before our students left for their field placements, we had a meeting to describe their requirements and other necessary matters concerning their ministry placement. Here you are seeing Pastor Voechnear (Elizabeth), who is overseeing the students in their placements, walking the students their requirements.

It was a good night to be teachers at the Bible School for these students that we have worked so hard to train and educate were ready to go out into the ministry for a prolonged period of time. Here you are seeing Teacher Channy, Tiffany and Tim along with one of our students, Pholla, sitting in the meeting that was mentioned above.

Through the donations of several teams who have come to minister in Cambodia over the past few months, we were able to give the students several materials that would help them in their respective ministries around the country. Here you are seeing the students posing together after the meeting with these materials.

The following day was very exciting to the students as we had them over to try a new type of food. Through our influence, we have the students eating pizza and salad, and this night we introduced them to burritos and taco salads. At first, the students were a little hesitant to step up to the taco bar that we had created, but they all said later that they really enjoyed the food. Here you are seeing Chamreoun, Tiffany, and Theavey eating together.

During the meal, there was a sense of celebrating the year together. Here you are seeing Teacher Rotha, Pholla, and Hannah (Teacher Kimsua’s daughter) giving a toast together. It is unclear what they were toasting, but I would like to think that they were toasting the good food that the Gallants provided that evening.


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