Saturday Lunches at Good News Wesleyan

During the past months, the church here in Phnom Penh has helped to host a citywide program supported and led by World Vision. The program focuses on diet and nutrition, especially to lower class families. The role of our church was to prepare two courses of food from foods that can be cheaply purchased in local markets. Here you are seeing Tiffany and the National Superintendent’s wife cutting vegetables in the morning.

During the course of the day, we had great fellowship with the pastors, their families and with the people who participated in the conference. Here you are seeing Tiffany with Pastor Reksmey’s youngest son.

Maintaining a good diet during this difficult economic time in Cambodia is essential, and we pray that families such as can be seen in this picture can take what they learned in the conference to help improve their health and their well-being.

The conference was also good for the church as we made new contacts and established new relationships with people in the community. Here you are seeing Pastor Reksmey registering people at the door.


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