Women's Conference 2008

Also during the time that the team was with us, we held the annual Women’s Conference. Women were in attendance from over 10 different churches around the country, meeting together for reports, voting, teaching, and for mutual encouragement. Here you see Tim sharing a story of one of the first Christians in Cambodia, a women whose years of service and dedication to God are both remarkable and inspiring.

Here you are seeing Tiffany, with Leak acting as translator, sharing about God’s perfect plan for our lives, a life that is producing fruit and found closely connected to the Vine, which is Jesus Christ. In her message, Tiffany told a very meaningful story about an experience of picking mangos with our students, equating their excitement of finding a ripe mango to God holding us up, showing us to everyone, and proclaiming us ripe for service. However, we can only become ripe for service when we remain connected to the vine that is Jesus Christ. It was meaningful not only because of its relevance to finding our worth and our stength in God, the theme for the conference, but also because Tiffany shared the story herself, with no help from the translator, in very clear and precise Khmer.

During the lectures and workshops, the women had many opportunities to sit together and talk about what it means to find their worth in God and to live the kind of lives that both point others toward God and bring glory to Him.


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